Dhaka: Wednesday
Feb 12, 2025, 12:20 AM
Last Update: 11 Feb, 05:17PM
Next Update: 12 Feb 11:10 AM BST (Appx.)
New Tenders : 398
Total Live Tenders: 7465
Sales/Auctions: 859
Corrigendum: 179
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About Company

The Alltender is a unique tender informative system, run by Alltender Limited from Bangladesh. This is operated through the pioneer tender portal alltender.com. The service was started through the portal TenderBangla.info in 2002 and then changed the Domain Name to Alltender.com in 2004 for the convenience of our Subscribers. Currently, it is the largest tender portal in terms of Members of subscribers, wide range of services, and quality of service.

Most tender bidders depend on Alltender for a complete tender solution. The Procuring Entity (PE) of Govt organizations and the Procurement department of private organizations Publish their Tender notices in Alltender. They rely on us because Alltender is the dependable tender portal in Bangladesh.


To provide complete tender solution for both buyer and supplier. Buyers will use Alltender to publish tender notice. Suppliers and contractors will use our service for getting tender notification, tender preparation and submission.


We are using a combination of idea, technology and existing infrastructure to create solution for the tender caller and tender bidder. We are striving to provide best possible user experience to our customers.


We believe that quality comes first, the result follows it. Our bottom line in quality is “Right tender in right time”.


We value our customers, suppliers, employees as our topmost priority. We consider them as our family members. We have sympathy, empathy, honesty, respect, trust and loyalty to all of our family members.


  • We are obsessed to the customers. We make them happy.
  • Trust will not come automatically. You have to earn it.
  • We are now doing great. It is not enough.
  • Do the right thing, in any situation, even if it goes against you.
  • Help customers take the right decision, even if you lose the deal.
  • Keep everything simple. If you cannot explain to a 10-year old kid, learn again.
  • We never sell. We help customer buy the right service for him.
  • Deliver beyond the customer expectation.
  • Ask yourself – What value are you adding?
  • Always remember – your success depends only on you.